Silver Scrapts
Reborn 2021
new design Reborn silver scrapts

Today is Chinese new year eve for 2021, I am happy I finished some pieces of my new collection Reborn. We all experienced different hard things during 2020,this new collection that inspired by the silver scrapt is new start for 2021. We all need an opportunity of reborn. Happy 2021! New design is coming online today.
Reborn - Adding my favorite elements
new design Reborn silver scrapts

I grew up in a place where surrounded by lots of trees and plants, this is a important inspiration in my works. I have lots of works containing what I love the most -- plants. When I melted the silver scrapts, I've been thinking of add my favorite elements into this new collection . Leaf and flower are the first elements that I wanted to add to the design, they look perfect with the organic shape of the silver melt.
Reborn - Melting the silver
new design Reborn silver scrapts

What am I going to do with these fine silver scrapt?

After years of working on fine silver , I've got lots of silver scrapts. After I checked with my silver supplier, that I found silver price raise so much recently, I decide to come out some new designs out of these fine silver scrapts.